Tom and Jan express great joy and see it as a tremendous blessing to serve as Associate Pastor in Faith Outreach Community Church. They are deeply devoted to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and being a witness for Him.
Tom and Jan were married in 1986 and have two adult daughters, Victoria and Elizabeth. Tom currently works as a Technical Specialist with the Internal Revenue Service.
Over the years, Tom and Jan have experienced a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ that led them to serve with a more profound passion for the Lord. Tom was ordained a deacon in 1994 and an Associate Pastor in 1999.
Jan serves on the Counting Team, assists with ushering and coordinates a Bible study class on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. She also welcomes prayer requests for members and others on whose behalf she routinely intercedes.
Tom also serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, a member of the Advisory Counsel and does the accounting for the church. He enjoys reading, researching, and studying Christian Apologetics, logic, and Bible prophecy.
Jan enjoys baking, reading, fishing, computer time, and spending time with her family. They both express their main joy as serving the Lord and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.